
How to Quickly Index to Google Search

How to Quickly Index to Google Search.

Because many still don’t know, how long does it take for a website to rank first in Google search results?

The answer can be said is not sure, why is that? Because the algorithm from Google itself is always changing.

However, there are several factors that influence website rankings to rise quickly, do you want to know how to get indexed quickly in Google search?

If so and are curious, let’s see the full review in the following article.

How to Quickly Index to Google Search So You Can Rise in Rank No. 1?

There are several ways so that the website can get more visitors, if the article has been indexed by Google, then visitors will come by themselves.

But the question is, how do you increase the index on Google search?

The following is a complete discussion of how to quickly index Google search so that more visitors will come later.

Do Optimization Beforehand

The way to do this is to optimize the mobile version of the website, the point is to do and apply the index on mobile first.

Because most netizens are currently looking for information via a smartphone instead of a laptop, this method is highly recommended.

Always SEO Keyword Research

Because Google’s algorithms are increasingly complex and unpredictable, another way is to routinely conduct an SEO audit.

So that the indexed articles are also the same as what everyone needs, that way the website will rise to rank one on Google search.

Fix the Loading Process Quickly

What it means to improve loading times is the reading speed of everyone who clicks on your website.

By improving the loading speed, readers will not find any difficulties when they want to find information.

The final word

Because the need for information is increasing day by day, doing research for basic SEO needs is also very influential on websites.

Do keyword research first before writing an article, so that the articles you write can be relevant to what netizens are looking for.

So, that’s a complete explanation of how to quickly index Google search.

Thank you very much for reading this article and see you again in the next article. Bye-bye…

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